Your journey to
better hearing
A bone anchored hearing system (BAHS) can be a good solution if your hearing loss is due to problems in your outer or middle ear, or if you are deaf on one side. Begin your hearing journey with a BAHS now and discover the possibilities for better hearing.
users around the world benefit from a bone anchored hearing system (BAHS) like the Ponto sound processor.

Am I a candidate for BAHS?
A bone anchored hearing system can be successfully used by adults and children.
How does a BAHS work?
A bone conduction system consists of a sound processor and an implant. The sound processor picks up the sound, which is then transformed into vibrations that travel through your skull bone via the implant and directly into the inner ear, where you hear them as sounds.
Start your journey to
better hearing with a BAHS
Gaining a clear understanding of the stages involved in the BAHS journey can give you the confidence to make a well-informed decision when choosing to proceed with BAHS.

One of the greatest things about starting this process of getting a BAHS was that I was able to try it on using a softband. It is like buying new shoes. If you don’t like them, you just return them and no harm done.”
Jamina, former hearing aid user, current Oticon Medical BAHS user

If you would like to learn more about BAHS, we have prepared a list of frequently asked questions to provide you with additional information.